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Te Kete Ipurangi

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Creative ID: 637

Art form(s): Theatre
Language(s): English
Based in: Auckland
Where I'm available:
We are based in Ponsonby, but we can come to schools in Auckland.
When I'm available: We can negotiate a time that works for schools.

My arts or creative practice (including details about my specific focus within that art form/practice and my strengths):

We run a theatre in Auckland that includes workshops, after-school programmes, and holiday programmes teaching improv skills. We are available to take these improv training workshops into schools throughout central Auckland. Our goal is to enhance human connection through play. Improv is an active form of mindfulness, encouraging confidence, self-acceptance, teamwork, group skills, leadership, listening skills, storytelling, and communication skills. We celebrate, showcase, and develop the art of improvisation through world-class theatre, high-quality training in the art of improvisation, and developing life skills for young people. The improv playground pedagogy was designed by me as the theatre’s artistic director and high performance coach.

I have spent over two decades in the personal development space working with people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. We use embodied learning and play to embed the learning and make it accessible for kids. This combines the art of improvisation with positive psychology to teach the vital life skills that every child needs to learn. Kids have told us that they feel more confident and less anxious after doing our workshops. The improv playground enhances emotional intelligence (EQ), and the ability to work well with others. It builds resilience so that a child can handle adversity and develops communication skills and creative thinking – two of the most important skills for success in life. And the great thing is you don’t even have to be a performer to do this course. Anyone can do it. It is basically learning cool things about yourself while playing.

Participants learn to manage anxiety better, be more resilient, and connect with other humans in the real world. No performance experience, or desire to perform, is necessary. Improv school is where young people learn the skills for life. We think this would be a valuable contribution to educational achievements in schools, and we look forward to the opportunity to deliver the programme in Auckland schools.

My track record of experience and success - or the track record of experience and success of the creative or artist that I will partner with:

I designed our theatre’s improv playground. I am also the artistic director and high performance coach at the theatre. At the theatre we use embodied learning and play to embed the learning and make it accessible for kids. I founded the theatre because I am passionate about sharing the benefits of improvisation and having a physical home for improv. I have spent over two decades in the personal development space working with people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds.

By day I’m the CEO of a high performance training company for many large organisations teaching leadership, resilience, collaborative creativity, and storytelling. As an executive coach I work with CEOs and senior leaders helping them navigate the constant change of the business world. I have supported many charitable organisations over the years, including CanTeen, Foundation for Youth Development, and Variety Club.

Describe the experience you have had working with children or young people, teaching or facilitating creative processes:

We already run workshops for young people and after-school and holiday programmes. The goal of the improv school is to bring more fun, laughter, and playfulness into participant’s lives. It improves creativity, emotional intelligence, confidence, and the ability to work with others. Participants learn to manage anxiety better, be more resilient, and connect with other people in the real world. No performance experience, or desire to perform, is necessary. Improv school is where young people learn the skills for life.

Why I want to be part of the Creatives in Schools programme and how my involvement will link to my creative practice:

Our purpose is to enhance human connection through play. Our vision is to celebrate, showcase, and develop the art of improvisation from grass roots to tall shoots. We want to perform world-class improvisation theatre and provide high quality training in the art of improvisation. We develop life skills for young people and bring more playfulness into the world.

Our theatre is about connections – it’s about belonging. Our kaupapa is inclusive, warm, and inviting, and you feel connected to something special. We promote fun and creativity, ensuring playfulness is personified and celebrated for people of all ages. While our theatre is community in spirit, it is professional in standards. It is a vibrant performing arts community for those who wish to be a part of a playful tribe. It’s the home of learning, a place for self-creation, self-discovery, and self-expression – where you learn about yourself by playing with others.

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